Hiiiiiiiii.....How are y'all tonight?
I had an amusing day. Me and this other girl dealt with a bunch of new hires. One got snippy when she was told to get off her phone while she was behind the line. She says "Don't treat me like I"m a little girl" Me and the girl she said it to (Sarah) looked at each other like "if you're gonna act like one then you're gonna get treated like one" :roll:
THen two other ones were complaining bout actually having to work......I finally said to 'em both "ya know, y'all complain too much. If you spent half the time you take whining and crying to do some work, then you're work would be done and you wouldn't have to do this" But hey what do I know? yeah I got the look like I'm the stupid one. Seriously all Me and Sarah heard from these idiots was "whine whine whine, cry cry crey, *answer phone in front of customers beacuse it's such an important call :roll: * B!tch b!tch b!tch, cry some more , "I'm so stupid I don't know how to multitask" " They'd be screwed if all the good people weren't around to show 'em how to do their job.......I so wanna hide and laugh at the morons when that happens.
oh yeah and I'm not complaining.....I'm actuallly in a good mood.
Then I don't know how some of 'em can stand their pants halfway down their asses. My pants already fall half way down my ass and I hate it. I pull 'em up and they fall again. I want to go up to those that do that and pull 'em up too.
And speaking of $tyle when I have kids, they are NOT, I repeat, NOT owning a pair of Heelies, Ugg boots, or Garden clogs. Uggs and Clogs...the fact that they are so ugly is reason enough. I don't know how parents subject their kids to such horrible shoes or why. Heelies: Shoes with wheels.....No. are kids that lazy that they can't walk anymore, they gotta roll around :/
Then I figured out how these new hires got to be so lazy....they get to work in all the easy areas where they get to sit on thier asses. The ones that actually work...still gotta work our asses off while they sit and twiddle their thumbs. Now I think it should be the other way around....I mean the hard workers deserve a break too. How the hell do new people get it so easy? GEEZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!
One thing I do have to thank them for and probably the only thing is that they have made me not sit back and watch anymore...Thanks to them, I've learned to take a stand and fight back. I got sick of sitting there ignoring it...I'm tired of that sh!t and the mgrs arent' doing anything, so we have to.......okay okay I knwo....I need a new job again.
Knock yourself out, but not too hard
What An Iris Says About You
You are incredibly hopeful and courageous.
Even when you've been challenged in life, you have faith that everything will work out.
Your feelings run deep, and you are a very grateful person.
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