- Ravenlore_basic’s Activity
I just do not think additional graphics are going to make next generation consoles better. Im going to wait and play as many games now as possible
Like saves I hope you can have the most relevant parts on the SSD and the rest of the game comes from a disk or external HDD
@nintendians: vf¿¿WTF?? Absolutely makes NO sense! LOL but funny as hell.You see it wont be AMD's most powerful chip. Duh LOL.
@owizeisme1: The next Xbox will also cost $500 and no biggie. XB1X is the same as xbox1 it plays the same games. But good example of why I might skip next gen altogether. Because better graphics and ...
@livedreamplay: millions of people agreed with you. And will do so again when PS5 launches.PS3 which was a total screw up sold millions. PS5 will be faster less bottlenecks from memory and IO to SSD= ...
@vega2505: simple PS4 is 1.84 Tflops while Pro is 4.2 Tflops of power. It would be very easy for Sony to make the PS5 with 2x more power than ps4 and even pro. For $400. XB1X has 6Tflops PS5 will e...
@gamerforlife96: Take out the higher end graphics(4K), Ray Tracing and some lighting techniques, slow(60+) the frame rates down and you get the same game just not looking as good.
@nsignific: very true. As for myself my older son has a PS 4 and the little one has a switch. I was able to scrape up just enough to get a pro when it came out. Luckily since my son also has the conso...
@sticktalker336: It all depends on what I am paying for.If the console had focused on advanced A.I that is more powerful than anything out now. Then YES, $700 would be worth it.Better graphics, and t...
@twogirlsonecub: true I just dont have enough time to game like I used to.
@aross2004: AI. Think conversational A.I.(google) from NPCs that respond to your actions. NPCs with the ability to respond with self generated responces instead of scripted diolog.Right now playing mu...
2020- 2021 $400 - 500 dollars.To be honest I feel ... for the XB1X people. Why?One the one hand next gen is even less nessary, given the smaller leap in visuals, frame rates. But people bought it b...
@jyml8582: if thats the case then we could just stick with this generation of consoles.
Where to begin. First off the disapointment. Not in Sony specifically, but they are the ones that have my money.I was hoping for something different! Not just the same games updated; that has been go...
@bigbox: LOL thanks those salty tears are hilarious.
@sticktalker336: I really want Jack X.And if Sony or Someone who could do something is listening JackX meets Twisted Metal via some kind of horizon game is what I want
Birds need to fly, fish need to swim and hatters have to hate.
What people FAIL to realize is that there are millions of people gaming on the phone; more than conses, and PC combined!! It does not mean the end of PC or console games as long as consoles and PCs ar...
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