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My experience with DarkSiders

I just had enough time this weekend to try a new game and I started up with Darksiders. I am into 10 th hour and about half the way into the game. This is another one of my boring blogs with no pics so I will make it short and tell only pros and cons.


1. THe game looks good, the grpahics are good and good use color has been done. THe levels are really huge and there is no loading. Yeah but its not stunner like KZ2, UC2 or Gears 2.

2. It not God of War rip, it is more like zelda a lot of platforming with action. Both are done nicely. There are a lot of puzzles too.

3. War ( main protagonist) is strong and so are his enimies. The fight sequence looks like they are fought between unearthly character.

4. Overall the game has a lot of variety and good enough to play and it a huge world so we get a lot of things to be explored. Its more like an action RPG then action adventure.


1. War is a douche bag. Yes what kind of hero would have a whole body with metallic armor and then put his head under hood and also those girle white hairs popping from hoody make me laugh in any sequence.

2. All characters dialog's are plaing stupid. I just cant see how hard these mighty unearthly being are trying to be like next action hero. Even if you are comparing it to a comics the dialog's are plain stupid. Especially War and Uthane are just insane.

You will just laugh at scence's where War challanges boss or brags something.

3. One damn story, the story for the game is damn liner, very pridictable and no depth. It seems epic on top but its damn nuisance beneath and coupled with the bad dialog's it seems stupid.

Fallout 3 is imaginative but is really tough and complicated at the same time

Hi guys,

I have not been in blogging lately and this is yet again a pictureless blog but anyways I after my busy schedule got time to play Fallout 3 and so far I really like the work that Bethesda has done to create a fiction to life. Th individual (NPC's) in the game are really interesting the situation the location and environment is great and also the fact that game gives you different opponents in the same place every time you replay i.e your enemies you encounter change from time like they themselves have their life and are not sitting at a place for you to come. And at the end grpahics are superb for a Open world game some places have low res texture but the game is not plauged with loading problems like Oblivion and is quite smooth and it really scales very well on PC than on consoles.

But after spending near abt 7 hours into Fallout I feel its getting overly complicated every misson gets tough like hell you cant reach destintation so easily many times I had to refer gameguides so to succed in misson and thats what I am not liking DC is very well made but it really hard to roam even 5 minutes in the city plus you dont know the exact path and place to meet the person. Dead around corner in Fallout very well bought to life but its getting hard to digest. I think Fallout is for Hardcore gamers i.e you have to put lot of time to know the game. BUt anyways i like the game but I wont be playing it for a while. Now I am on RE5, this one has gorgeous graphics not as good as RE4 but still good enough to play.

Comin to an end

Firstly I was not very active and didnt post a blog for quite some time my exams where going on so I didnt had time. Well finally I have completed all my papers of Btech and now I am leaving for my job on 26th to a place just near Mumbai so I might not be around for say for a month I will get a new PC over there leaving the current one for my parents and my 360 I will give it to my brother I have bought another PS2 which is all mine.

Yeah part of the reason for being inactive was my Pc, it was broken so I upgraded it. I bought a AMD athlon 4800+ (X2 series) with 2 GB Ram now I was going for 7800 GTX as GPU it was for 4600 Rs last time I checked its really cheap. But now hen I checked in Rashi perhiperals (the leading computer distributor of India) dropped the Geforce 7 seires and their slaes man was fooling me saying that 8400 Gs is near abt 2-3 time stronger than 7800 GTX and he said there is no reason to get a Geforce 7 thats really bad. I was settling for 8600 GT but its price is 6000Rs+ tax and I defintely know that its still not better than 7800 GTX when we get in DX 9. IMO it has bad value for money. I really dont know why Rashi dropped Geforce 7 series it was a good series and after price drop a lot of people were gonna purchase it. Know i have gone out of PC gaming once more. I mean how much can I play with my onboard 6150, and my laptop has 8600 but its being a laptop the performance is not very good.

Now the good part is that the prices have come down, so did get the whole upgrade for only 8600 INR I swapped it for my old PC. But still the GPU part was frustrating searching the market and there were a lot of stupid dealer pushing crappy products to me.

I have been through few games in my free time after exams I have been through DMC4, GTA4 and Mass Effect. Among them I have completed Mass Effect and it was really a great experience there were technical glitches and they were more in the end wer there were huge areas and a lot of enimies came by but still the game looked excellent and it was not that much frustrating but still even with glitches the game is great and I think the PC version will be better since Unreal Engine performs well on it and Bioware is also making improvements to the game. But in my view the game deserves something higher than 8.5 its easily 9 even after glitches. The best part of the game was the story line and I think it probalby has the best story in any of the 360 titles. It truly epic and second comes the graphics since they are really great, the frames issues is in the heavy fight sequences other than that the exploration part, a lot of which you will do is great it doesnt has frames issue even texture issues are less prominent there.

Also I been through Dark Sector this game is really good. I was not expecting it too be this much entertaining it doesnt deserves 7.5 it should be 8.0 easily. The puzzles are said to be bad by gamepsot but they are really good. The puzzles of the game are much better than what i had in Tomb raider. They are not Half Life 2 quality but still they are good. The graphics in particular are awesome and by awesome I mean they are one of the best of the 360 you can keep this game as graphical showcase like Assassin, Gears, COD4 and DMC4. Textures are better than Bioshock and COD4. The games lacks aesthetics but it really comes near to its concept art. Yeah but Bioshock looks better than Dark Sector since the environment is same and Bioshocks world is full of beautiful things. But still Dark Sector looks great and runs hassle free. So far I have loved the game. The score is also great. The boss battles come without any message or anything but they really awesome. The down point is some wired cutscenes like you drop from some place and get to the next level of the game are making this game like a last gen game but they are few.

Anyways I think the blog has been to long so I am cutting it out here.

Hands on 2 new games

Yes I tried 2new game one is Bladestrom, and second is Guilty Gear OVertune. Not a very good choice but lets see how they do.

Bladestorm: started the game Asian Version of the game is which I used but it has improper descriptions in achivement. The description is childish and not to mention the achivements are given easily but they are used really bad in the game. The game is abt British and French War and you pick up a side and go the bad thing is that its bad then orignal Dynasty Warriors and gameplay features, sound is very dull I mean Dynasty Warroirs was quite accessible but this game which is also missing here, its really a bad chice to buy this game. 3/10

Guilty Gear Overtune ( Japanese Version): This game is reciving some high light at few places some take it in really high esteem while some say it will be absylam title but its no way bad or excellent its yet enjoyable why read out ?

NOw Guilty Gear graphics are not very good but they are much better than Blade Storm and artwork is nice most improtantly draw distances are high and the frame rate never drops a bit. Some places have really good lightning but the textures are little low res but architectural beauty of most of the place is good,

Also some gameplay mechanisms are very good, the game is fast paced and it has some races thing in it and the racing mechanism is relaly very good and the way you drift is just amazing. The fight mechanism is satisfying the only problem is that the games single player campaign has lot of ingame cutscene and they are very tidious. Yeah but the music of the game is good but some times it gets really excellent. Also the core gameplay is not fighting here its differnt you have to take controls of some tower like thing which will genrate helping force for taking further towers and also the assistant charcter that are released from conquered tower could be made stronger and the other enemy will do the same to us but we can also fight him in between to stop him and we are free to kill him also to conquering without wasting time on getting all the towers. Also some controls issues are there, mostly camera handling when we fight a opponent straight forward as games level change the levels are different with fighting, racing and basic tower conquering mechanism.

The free mission segment and VS and Online segment is there which is good to increase value. Overall the game takes new turn from series but is no way getting worse its really a very differnet game but its not bad than earlier and not very good as some expect it to be AAA.

Overall its a much better experience than Balde storm, my score 7.3/10

To go PS360 or Wii360

I will now get myself a new system I already have 360 which is RROD free now. So ask you to comment wheter to get PS3 or Wii

Games I look most forward on PS3 GOW3, MGS4, FFXIII and versus.

Games I look forward on Wii SMBB, SMG, Metroid 3, Zelda games, Resident Evil zero just announced

Also I am getting a Gamecube its really cheap near abt 2500 Rs. in India, but you can only get it at Delhi, I have asked my cousin to look for it.

My PS2 is taking tis last breath now I gave it to my friend who used it roughly and now its making wiered noises while playing games and many games dont run and it cannot save any games now. Still my friend to whom I have given it uses it for 18 hours a day they are like 4 people who are playing near abt all time on the machine. Lets see I have done a lot of 360 reapair hope I can reapir this up.

Round up of GDC 2008

Now that GDC is just over and I must say it bought up really good news for 360 and PC gamers not to mention PS also had great things to show. I was surfing the net and downloading videos to get information abt whats going on here are news I picked up in brief:

1. UE3 powered with Mova animation engine was shown by microsoft spokeperson. I saw the video it was stunning, facial animation video is available in net. They animation were as better than even good CGI's have hope they put this thing into Gears2.

2. Too Humans was displayed and this time it successfuly came over the previous criticism. Not only the graphics were very sharp but another factor was known that the world in Too Human would be seamless like GTA 4, you can jump to environment to environment and no loading is there. Also the framerate was solid even though 60-70 NPC's were onscreen and a lot of action was going on screen running at 720p with 4X AA. Also the artistic beauty of the game really shows off with well designed character, environment and accessories and weapons. Sound track was also 1st grade.

Verdict: Too Human is solid technically and artistically.

3. Fable 2 demo was really exciting, The game is seamless just like Too Humans with fantasy settings. Not to mention the graphics looked really good and more than sound technology was the sheer artistic beauty in character design, clothing and environment and out of this environment was really extraordinary. Graphics were not like Mass Effect or Too Human which are based or realistic and mature setting they were more comical and stylish.

But the graphics were the secondary attraction to Fable 2 main attraction was that you can take a job you want adventurer, buy anything in the world like house small stores to big castles or even a whole city if your wallet allows you too. Also Peter Moluynex demostrated another striking feature that was relationships he showed that his player who was a female had a family which she raised on her money and when she returned from abt 6 months of adventure with a henchman who is the 2P in coop her son rushed to her and welcomed her and near the house her husband was in a bad mood, as anyone would be if ones wife comes after 6months with a hechman and then the 2p shooted Moluynex husband which he is free to do.

Now devs also mentioned that the child will now be no more carefree and if the player doesnt gives more attention he could end up in a orphange. But if the player wants she could retrive him from orphanage later. Mr. Moluynex confirmed that the things shown are simulation and not scripted. So it is on your own to make relation and maintain them in Fable 2. He also mentioned abt the freedom in moving people have in Fable they can climb walls or take window instead of door. They are free to do whatever they want.

4. Gears of War 2: A trailer was shown in which Marcus and locust fight with chainsaws in their hands using it like sword, it was really impressive but the trailer was in total red color. So no graphics forecast could be done. Also along with that they showed UE3 enhancement. Water effects, ligitining, Draw distance were increased also Post processing, high denstiy crowd, Soft body physics features are now added and also it was shown that environments can now be fully destructible.

Release Date of GEars 2 was confirmed to be November.

5. Star wars force unleased trailer was shown the game is comin in May on near abt all the consoles including PS2. But the trailer shown was for it PC, 360 and PS3 version. The graphics in the trailer were highly detailed and characters were also peculiarly what we see in starwars. The physics simulation also was also excellent in the trailer.

Also Lucas arts confirmed that from now on their lead console will be PS3, i.e all the games from now on will be developed in PS3 first this according to them would make the game be on time on PS3 with less hardwork and also the 360 version development could be handled easily then.

6. Ninja Gaiden 2 was shown the stag showed a really huge underworld type areas filled with monster and it was a valley like area were huge waterfalls of blood were flowing from here and there and a lot of dragon like monsters were shown flying. Still the visuals were highly detailed and the fighting seemed to have been improved from earlier especially the camera which was handled properly. Another thing noticable was the soundtrack was much better than any of the previous Ninja Gaiden games. At the end of the demo a demon talks to Ryu and tells him Something abt how Human spices are gonna be destroyed by demons and gives him an alternative : 'Submit or Die'. From the demo it was very clear that the cinematics in NG2 have been heavily improved from its predecessors. Also a feature of saving gameplay videos like Halo 3 was announced.

The only pedigree was that for unknown reason Itagaki's wireless controller failed two times although for 1 or 2 seconds. But still NG2 demo was the star of the show in GDC after competion and in betwen demo there was a lot of clapping whistling going on showing the positive response. I must comment that do watch the NG2 demo if you are waiting for the game.

7. APB : APB demo was also shown in the public its an MMo made by the person who build the concept for GTA3 and Crackdown. It is also has a seamless world. The graphics of APB looked really good, especially the characters were crafted brilliantly. Also it was shown that APB would unlike it predecessors also have style and personal touch to it. Also it was mentioned they have are putting some Final Fantasy Advent children movie kind of style in the games fight sequnces. The game would be releasing by this years end or early next year on PC and xbox 360.

8. Age of Conan: Hybrodonian ages: Funcom gives the demonstration and techdemo of their highly anticipated MMORPG, Tech demo showed realife day and night life cycle, Lush and living environment and the biggest of all this was the scale at which the game runs, Devs also mentioned that on account of the scale the game has Age of Conan really is what you call an MMO.

The control schemes for the game where shown it is a little complicated but fits superbly on PC. Also it was shown how rides work in the game the player were riding huge animal which are of fantasy world of conan like 35 feet huge Mamooth or Rhino thrice the size of todays or even simple horse if you want also it was shown that each rideable character had differnt walking and attacing style than other, spell use was also shown one of the rider sitting on maooth cast some spell of curing probably and a light blue coored illumunated beam falled on his body from sky and it extende to the distance as far as one can see. The spell casting was really impressive to look at.

One thing has to be mentioned that Conan videos look way too better in HD than on SD. If you will view an HD video of conan you would really appreciate its graphics even with epic size draw distance it looks striking epecially the lightining, terrain, Grass, Rocks, mountains and tress are done in very nice manner. Especailly the ligthining and water effects were really striking.

But the same video will look pale, like a PS2 game in quality on SD.

Also Funcom devs mentioned that even thought the control scheme is complicated and designed for PC, but 360 is perfect for Age of Conna and they are very excited to get the game on 360. Lets see if they can dethrone WOW from its position but anyways from GDC its clear that they are on right track.

9. Factor 5 are patching up Lairs control they showed it on GDC it will be launched in march.

10. Secret agent clank a Psp game was shown in which Ratchet has been imprisoned and Clank is upto resue him.

11. PC gaming alliance was formed by Microsoft, Dell, Activision, Intel, AMD

Titles which missed GDC: Alan Wake and Splinter cell: convection were not shown at GDC.

There might be a lot of things I misssed out but this was just a briefing based on what I had go through surfing in last 3 days so hope you like it.

Now roll on Your comments

How did I fall for what game critics say and nearly missed a great adventure

Yesterday I went to my towns 360 shop to get DMC4 or Burnout paradise. I found that none of them have been arrived yet, so he offered me that there is this game called Naruto Rise of the Ninja which is available at reduced price. I was kind of not sure abt it due to reviews but I purchased it since I didnt had a lot of games. When I tried it i found it to really good the story mission was really good and the fighting game was there too. The side quest were mostly not that good but they were all optional so you might have to go for few of them. But the main part of the game the story mission is done well and the graphics and sound are superb the voice acting is average but this game will catch grip on you and the adventure elements were done well and the fight system was awesome. The game is a bit small but so is COD4 too.

I dont know why many people fall for the reviews given by the critics and said this game to be average when it was really good. I had to most of the Naruto games but this game caputres the soul of Naruto when it comes to single player campagin nothing till now has done so well and not to mention the graphics are done incredibly well. Still most of the people on who used 360 didnt purchased it due to average reviews, or may be the release time of the title was wrong as it was released between blockbuster like Halo, Bioshock and then assassins , mass effect, COD4. I hope Ubisoft bring out sequel to this game and I think if this time they make the single player campaign a little larger and improve voice acting and make side misson premises better than they would get more audience on the 360 and AAA reviews. I just hope there is a sequel to this.

Just look at this message

Here is a message I found its good but crude I dont know wheter to appreciate its meaning or may be laugh or maybe the guy writing this down was too emotional abt it. Here

Father: I want you to marry a girl of my choice
Son: "I will choose my own bride!"
Father: "But the girl is Bill Gates's daughter."
Son: "Well, in that case...ok"

Next Day Father approaches Bill Gates.
Father: "I have a husband for your daughter."
Bill Gates: "But my daughter is too young to marry!"
Father: "But this young man is a vice-president of the World Bank."
Bill Gates: "Ah, in that case...ok"

Finally Father goes to see the president of the World Bank.
Father: "I have a young man to be recommended as a vice-president."
President: "But I already have more vice- presidents than I need!"
Father: "But this young man is Bill Gates's son-in-law."
President: "Ah, in that case...ok"

This is how business is done!!

Moral: Even If you have nothing, You can get Anything..

Not bad though but I didnt knew that Bill Gates has a young daughter. Your impression abt this if any or if you dont like it stick a tag boring blog and bang me ( if you want to, but do that if you live in my town or else....).

So are you ready for Devil may Cry 4

Wow just 3 days from release I am all hyped up for this game. I was not very passonate abt this game but then I just went on watching trailersand the the game is brillant everything from music to graphics and the artstyle is extremly good. The city are looks really well developed giving it a very rich medival look

DMC 4 cities

Just look at the richly detailed architecture of the cities, oh and there is Dante no one can stop him from Dancing right

The games music is also well done with track "shall never surrender" from Jason "shyboy" and the L'arc-en-ciel trailer. the later mentioned trailer is so good that it could be sold for 5$ atleast, but its available for free download for DMC fans gametrailers has the best video I think here is the link: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/30134.html

Not to mention the game has gone extreme graphics update from previous title and looks next gen just look at Dante in DMC 3 and then in DMC 4 now thats an upgrade.

DMC dante

The old one

DmC 4_dante

The shinner one

All in all this game is a piece of art and deserves to be purchased. I will be getting this one on 12 or 13 feb probably. I will post a review soon than.

My 360 is back from death


Recently my 360 had got 3RROD guess what. I just made 360 alive agian by this technic called lawndog's method or more better known as X-clamp removal technic. My code error was 0020 which is considered incurable but this technique made it back from life. According to this technic our goal is to remove X-clamp on GPU side which removes the heat sink then tighten it up with screws and use washer to keep a gap and board safe. The method correctly solves the consoles problem and also after doing this my console doesnt get heated up and the games and videos run without any freezing or anything even occassionaly.

I will recommend any one who has such a problem to google X-clamp or X-clamp removal method and find it cure. Also do look for error code i.e what are those? how do you know them etc. Google them for more accurate info if any one needs more pm me. I also saw the result of the board where total revival rate of 360 is more than 90% for people who used this technic and they have no problems till now. Also as an additional info I would like to advice you to use Heat sink glue when trying this method if the orignal glue gets thin. So be ready with it when trying this method. I 100% beleive that you can achieve success in it, So good luck for those who try this one out.

P.S.: If you have gurantee on your 360 please dont try this technic let microsoft fix it.

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