I just had enough time this weekend to try a new game and I started up with Darksiders. I am into 10 th hour and about half the way into the game. This is another one of my boring blogs with no pics so I will make it short and tell only pros and cons.
1. THe game looks good, the grpahics are good and good use color has been done. THe levels are really huge and there is no loading. Yeah but its not stunner like KZ2, UC2 or Gears 2.
2. It not God of War rip, it is more like zelda a lot of platforming with action. Both are done nicely. There are a lot of puzzles too.
3. War ( main protagonist) is strong and so are his enimies. The fight sequence looks like they are fought between unearthly character.
4. Overall the game has a lot of variety and good enough to play and it a huge world so we get a lot of things to be explored. Its more like an action RPG then action adventure.
1. War is a douche bag. Yes what kind of hero would have a whole body with metallic armor and then put his head under hood and also those girle white hairs popping from hoody make me laugh in any sequence.
2. All characters dialog's are plaing stupid. I just cant see how hard these mighty unearthly being are trying to be like next action hero. Even if you are comparing it to a comics the dialog's are plain stupid. Especially War and Uthane are just insane.
You will just laugh at scence's where War challanges boss or brags something.
3. One damn story, the story for the game is damn liner, very pridictable and no depth. It seems epic on top but its damn nuisance beneath and coupled with the bad dialog's it seems stupid.