Well things have been going less than smoothly. Work is becoming a chore, I no longer find joy in my volenteering. To be honest there isn't much I find joy in. Though, I suppose I am just anxious for school to start. Although, I am taking solice in the fact that I got in. Everyone tells me "You are so lucky you got in" and I am I know it. But it wasn't how imagined it. I wanted to feel like I earned it. Not the fact that I just lucky and got in. In personal anguish i started to resent getting in. I had no merit to be accepted. I just was in because I am luckier than the next person. I talked to my cousin about it and she said prove it to yourself you belong and be the best you can be at school. THat hit me. Through all my pondering and thinking this idea never came to me. So I feel better about that
I have been getting a lot of pressure to try online dating or just date in general. While the idea still doesn't excite me its getting rather grating to be told try online dating. I don't feel like dating at all. The concept just doesn't stike me as particular enjoyable anymore. I actually hate the process, and the fact that I haven't found someone that tickles my fancy yet. Or the fact that I still miss my ex. Who knows. There is a lot to it, but I am gonna be honest, no girl has interested me in the past year and a half but two, one rejected me. The other was taken. So I guess I have tried but to no avail. That makes me feel better thinking about it.
Today was Star Ocean: The Last Hope day. Yeah, it was a good day. I beat the first bonus dungeon. I rocked Gabriel Celeste. With that, I also got a ulti weapon and armor for meracle. W00t. I got the philosphers stone so I can dup that and make even better equipment. Yeah, star ocean is going just swell for me. I'll have that review with Valkyria Chronicles posted up soon. Check back next week if you want to see it.