Well, my brothers into town, the day after I finished with school. Which was nice. I have really been enjoying it. My oldest brother is heading out tomorrow morning. So then I am leaving Wensday to go visit my middle brother in Irvine, and stay there for four days. So that will be fun, I am pretty excited about it to be honest. So I get Monday and Tuesday all to myself. Which is pretty exciting for me. I get to finish up my anime and start a new series. Start up some of my RPG's and continue on with a lot of things I wanted to stat.My drawing lessons start on Tuesday night. I am excited for that.
I got myself some gifts for finishing my first year. I believe you need to treat yourself to something nice every so often. I bought some music (90$ worth) and some anime (100$) so it was a bit costly but I am in such a care free attitude to just enjoy life. I want to visit a friend in washinton this summer, and I might not even apply for a job at best buy. Just because I stopped caring about money(I'll have the rest of my life to work :3 ). I got a good chunk of change to last me a year, and I'll be ok.
Just about to finish up Clannad, and man it has been a great anime. And to my discovery there is a part 2. So I bought that. The part takes place in the future and appearntly is the better half, as the first half is mainly character development which is cool. I am all for that. So I am pretty excited for it, no reason not too. And new music is always welcome :)
Well, I finished Clannad part 1. I have one more episode to go but it doesn't pertain to the main storyline its an alternate timeline. This anime now holds a special place in my heart as it revived feelings I hadn't felt in along time and offered insight into my own self. Its strange how this little piece has affected me so much. I tend to look at people and couples and see the good, so I assume everything is perfect. But everyone has there struggles, obstacles and problems. They just may not project it. I tend to envy others, without knowing what going on. I envy others when I see just a small part of there world. This is what this anime showed me. It went through the story line of the characters, each one had a problem, in there past that affected them, and no one knew about it. I think it will help me relate to people better and get a better understanding of myself. Next it brought back those notions of true love. I had given up on. But the relationship built in this series, was just that. It was natural, innocent, a love that was well just about anyone wants. It brings me back to my days of being optimistic and full of hope for the world around me. Feelings I had forgotten. I donno, its just a good feeling I got from this anime. I know its silly but it really touched me, and brought me back to some of thoughts of who I was, a part of me I had forgotten. It was such a touching little love story and so much more. With that, the strong emphasis on family, and parents give up for there kids. What your close friends can do for you, and what is considered family. The relationship between Akio and Sanae really represented this in a strong way. It got me all emotional in the end. Haha, its just me probably. It was just what I needed. hehe.
I think the reason I loved it so much was the fact that I could relate to Nagisa. I am the low confidence, low self esteem person. I carry myself different than her but, I feel the same as she expresses herself. I rely on others like she did to help her. I did that all to often in nursing with my friend Larisa. Oh, why did it have to end and why isn't part two here yet! haha!