Another week...
by Ravirr on Comments
Well, its been about a week. I've been meh most of time. The only keeping me going is work now. Work is my distraction, and that is all it is. I get paid to be distracted for 25 hours or so a week. Awesomeness right? Yeah it is. With that, I can have a great day at work, get home and just feel crap and have nothing good to say about the day. I'm just supressing all my feelings and after a day it tends to make me suffer. But I'm keeping them down, constantly. They started to come back up today, but I got them back down. So I worked and did ok, decent sales. bleh, I need to stop this, part of me wants to. The other part says there is no turning back. A constant internal struggle between myself, a constant battle which always seems to be within. The battle between the my intuitive sense and my general feelings. I tend to learn towards my feelings but i hate them. I want them to die. Ok I gotta go, I'll write more tonight.