It seems my palet for video game genre preferences is vastly changing. I have been shifting a lot more towards JRPG's from WRPG I think Morrowind was just too good. I didn't like Oblivion, Mass Effect and Fall Out were never finished. I've been meaning to beat fall out but eh, never got around to it. Of course JRPG's haven't wow'd me much this gen. IU was ok, TLR was great but had flaws keeping it from being amazing, and SO4 was good. I find myself drawn to more story telling than gameplay. With Professor Layton and Ace Attorney being some of the high lights of gaming for me these last 6 months, I'm noticing bad writing and its just a big turn off for me. These games offer some simple presentation, but their writing is just amazing. I like the interactive novel feel of them. Now why can't I just read books? It doesn't make sense to me. I have a running fantasy in my head and well some of the fantasy books i have read don't compare, but anyone has some recommendations for some fantasy books (I'm a sucker for swords and magic) please let me know!
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