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Clannad and blood+

I recently finished the anime series blood + . it was pretty good but it dragged on too long. The characters were nice, a varied cast, but nothing out of the ordinary. It dragged on a little too long, but it was just two seasons and it had a lot to cover in that time. It could be because the second season slowed down a bit to add a bit to the character relationships.

I started up Clannad because I saw the art for it and thought it would just be a basic run of the mill anime. SOmething to pass the time while I am studying or something I can take a break with. But this anime has had me so attached the characters. Its a colorful cast, the art is rich, the music is fitting and really stands out. The dub is done well, the only problem is they still have a lot of japanese writing on things so I can't read those and I miss out on some of the jokes. The last episode had me crying all through it. I may be a big softy but its been awhile since a show has gotten me that attached to a characters life that it has moved me like that. I'm 10 episodes into it and I loving it. I would recommend it to anyone.

Two finals down 1 more to go. I'd like to start studying but I'm too emotional right :(