Yeah, I got some good studying done today. I messaged her but no response haha. Not like I was expecting to get one. Found a new back ground so that made me feel better. Its over Riviera: The promised land. I love that game and that the characters. It was a simple rpg/ dating sim. Yeah weird combo but it was epic none the less.
Been listening to Insonium a lot. They are pretty amazing. Complex stuff with great lyrcs. I can't put them down its awesome. This is the music I needed. Good metal.
I seem to be enjoying the long cat thing. I was playing cod4 and this guys name was longsforcombat. And everytime i killed him I could only think of longcat. So I was constantly asking how long is longcat? I'm such a loser. Well I got nothing to write. I'll be posting up a review of project sylpheed when I beat it,