Well, it was a long weekend, full of sunshine and cupcakes. Friday I drove home and hung out with some friends. Kirsten was too tired to hang out she went to bed at like 7 she just got done with all her finals. So me and buddies gathered up and did cod4 together till about 2 then we went to bed. It was pretty awesome.
Saturday me and Kirsten had a nice date. We went and saw jumper, my debt card wasn't working so she paid (w00t) the movie alright, it felt butchered. They would open up cool plot things but then never go anywhere with them. It was kind of boring at times but she thought the main character was SEXY so she was entertained. I wouldn't watch it again and if there is a squel I'll probably pass. Samuel L Jackson's white hair pissed me off.
Continueing with the date she was pretty tired still. So she forced herself awake. That was nice I guess I donno. She was kind of off in her own world. I made her dinner and it was pretty delicous. We had a really good time.
I gotta head home again next weekend (lame) I like college but sometimes its hard with a long distance relationship I do like seeing her but I like staying at college. Anyways I am going home to help a friend out. His gf just broke up with him so I figure hanging out with him will help him out. And I'll see Kirsten on one of the days. We can have another date.
I get the play smash bros one of my friends got it today and we are all gonna do that when we get together.