Ravirr / Member

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Nice little break

Well, I went up to Sonoma State to visit my old roommates friends and just to relax for a day. I figured I needed to get up there before we all got to engrossed in our school work. I know soon I am going to be overwhelmed and I won't be able to make another trip liek this. WHich is fine, so I did it early. Got my a shirt and a shot glass from the college. Go seawolves haha. My roommates were the same as always and it was a blast. Y gave the me the cold shoulder and went to watch I love you man instead seeing me. I gave her a weeks notice like she asked and she opted see that. The thing was it was a field a small field on a projector. So she could have stepped away for 5 minutes to say hello and chat. Eh.Chika was good and seeing the college made me miss it. One day I'll go back.

Well after what Y did my feeling are pretty much gone. Which gives me a sigh of relief. I found a girl who has peaked my interest in nursing school. Which is good. She has a good career ahead of her. Now I am in the gauging stage. Gauge who she. So we are in the same clinical group so thats good. BUt of couse I just had a dream about Kirsten and yeah that always leads to a day of quietness on my part. So I have been. Went to church and it was nice. So yeah, it is what is. I am trying to read to much into the dream except for the fact it just felt right. But eh, nothing I can do about it. Onward and upward.

School has been tirng, its a lot of work and I am staying ahead of where I need to be, and i am getting a strong grasp of how to think already. So with that, I just gotta hammer it in a bit more. Clinicals start in 2 weeks and I'll get my frist patient. Which of course is super exiciting for me. I realized 2 years isn't that long of a time. I mean two year I will be in my career. Working like everyone else. Then after a year after that I am going to go back to school for my bachelors degree. Time moves to quick I must say.