The 3 topics for todays entry. Yesterday was my first day of nursing school. LEt me tell you, it was nerve racking and as scary as I thought it was going to be. Things started off rather quickly as I already got two assignments and about 30 pages of reading on the first day it wasn't so bad. I have learned the bed bath process even though I need to get it down to perfection. So that was a busy first day. Everyone seemed nice but few people seemed to initate a coversation with me. Maybe its my body language, I am very stressed out with this and some external forces so I may not be presenting myself well I donno. I tried to intiate coversation with some and some took a liking to me and other didn't. THats good, so I can't complain to much. In due time I suppose.
Day 2 . Its a short day just a 3 hour day. We go over syllabuses and clinicals. Sick the entire time. Wasn't pleasant glad nothing to important was done. So yeah. Tomorrow we go over some more skills and start hitting the books some more. Wish me luck!
My dad got his old 30.06 . Went and fired it for the first time last week. Man it was something else. QUite a bit of kick but it was awesome none the less. Very fun to shoot. I'll post up a pick of it later.
Got my Tournament Edition Arcade stick in the mail the other day. Also exciting. A friend lent me his so I have experience with the stick making it even more awesome now that I have my own. Here is what it looks like