Company of Hero's was my first rts by relic. I looked at screen shots of it before its release and was like wow this looks awesome. But I never bought the game. The following christmas I bought the game for my brother. We lan'd it and then stopped playing. About a year after that I got it and we played it some more. Then we started going online. I've been hooked ever since.
The graphics look really good. You can zoom in and see each troop with a gun and it just looks fantastic. But what I liked the most was the low amount of macro and high amount of stradegy involved with this game. It wasn't about using up all your resources the best. It was about using your troops to the best to hold territory so you can tech and use special abilities. The game has three resources. Manpower - which constantly flows into you, different troops have different up keep levels. So to many of one kind of troop will cause your man power to drop a lot. Ammunition, which allows your troops to throw grenades, lay mine, suppressing fire. Or call in off map artillery. Or buy better guns for your troops, like mp44s. Fuel is used for teching and building vechile. Tanks take fuel and building buildings takes fuel. So you have to hold these resources from your enemy.
My favorite unit. The mg's. A mg42 can defend a point from regular infantry. It is a strong early game weapon the can be easily killed if not ready. But if its set up it slows down the movement of infantry as they duck to the ground to avoid the bullets. They take less damage but can't move as much. So you have to figure out how to get the mg out. Using a squad behind green cover todraw fire then send the other squad around to throw a grenade or something. You have to think. And you have to workaround the support the units. Maybe a mortar is better for the situation or a sniper.Or you give up on the point and fight him else where.
The cover system is cool and makes you think. Green, yellow, no cover and roads or negative cover. The cover gives you a higher percentage to not get hit. Which is good, as you can have a rifle squad in cover take on two other squads not in cover. Its very helpful if you utilize it correctly. Buildings are unique because it all depends on windows. If you have a rifle squad of six go into a building with only one window on the west side then only one guy can shoot. It offers the most protection but if your damage goes down to much it can be detrimental.
Tanks can change the battle but aren't used in mass. I like that. There is no one unit that dominates everything.
The main bad thing is the terrible design of the british faction. The game is centered around fast pace combat and offense. But the british faction is all about building emplacements and holding like one piece of territory, its not fun to fight against at all.
Journal coming up tonight I will post later. Going golfing.
I'm back, and I've just had a bad time all around. I'm furthering my break down of myself. I can honestly say I'm just falling apart. I panicked attacked last night as I saw I might not get classes for the fall. That all worked out but I haven't been able to shake the feeling of nausea and sorrow. I still think of her and I pray to God to get rid of the feeling but I just have the feeling of a second chance. I'm pathetic. I'm F'ing pathetic. I hate myself for not moving forward in life. I've regressed. I'm living at home playing game competitively again. I thought I was done with that. I'm a shell of my former self and I just hate who I am. I'm no longer the nice kid, who was trying to help, who had an optimistic outlook. I'm just a jerk, who doesn't care and figures nothing works out anyways so why give a Shi t . Its a very depressing time for me. Sigh...