Well, yesterday (the 13th) we were suppose to get a huge snow storm, so when I woke up, it didn't seem bad, but my school's transportation was closed, and well, I take the bus home, so I couldn't make it home if I went. Well, this turned out to be an awesome day!
To begin, I decide to play some GH1 & 2, 5 starting more songs on Expert, when I look out my window and I see this Puralator truck; I was thinking, what could they have... Anyway, I take the package from the guy, and take it upstairs, I then realize it's from Toysrus; the exact place we ordered our Wii five days ago... So, I figure that it is that even though we got no confirmation of the actually shipping. I decided to go on MSN to see if my brothers, who's at University at the time, is on; he was :D
Anyway, when I opened it, it was the Wii, so yippy, I set it up and then play Zelda, boy is it fun :D When my brother got home, we played Wii Sports which was also fun. About 1 ago, we bought Warioware, which is by far one of the funnest games I played in a long time... Actually doing what they suggest is so hilarious and fun.
Anyway, if it wasn't for this bus cancellation day, I would've had to wait till tomorrow to get the Wii from the post office... Yay Wii, well, I guess I'm now holding off for a while till I make the money to buy the 360... :D
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