RayBan_ / Member

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:: Quick Update ::

Its been awhile since my last entry so I thought I would give you all a quick update on everything. First off my website will be done in two weeks, Im just finding a host, the layout is done. The website name is changing from GamingPower to Caliber .08 as a tribute to an old site of mine dedicated to the anime Trigun. I hope everyone will like the layout and website and visit it often. There will be a forum much like the one on this site except it will be more of a communtiy and less of a random message board.

Im looking for staff for the website too so if you believe you could fill the any of the following positions, send me an email at rayban988@gmail.com. The open positions are:

- Graphic Designer: The main job of this person will help with future layout, banners,ect. This person may also help creating tutorials and designing free graphics for others to download.

- Anime Information Adder: Well, the name will be better than that hopefully but your main job will be to add information about anime, give anime reviews, and offer opinions.

- Gaming Information Adder: Much like the job above, just instead of anime, gaming will be your main concern. You will be given the suties of giving reviews, hints and cheats, ect.

If you dont fall into any of those catagories but think you can help in another way of think I left an important position out, please also send me an email. Each email should list why you should be a staff member.

Also, please before you do any of the emailing, ask yourself if you have the time, being a staff member may be time draining. Also check if you have any prior experience with websites.

Alright that is all I have, till next time, stay safe and continue gaming.