The good: I got a job! Now I can support my addiction. The addiction we all share. The one that isn't pot. Yeah, that one. The reason we're all here. I'm gonna be makin' pizzas at Bertucci's. I have to memorize every kind of fancy pizza by name and all its ingredients and toppings. I'd really rather sit at home and play some MMO all summer like last time, but this job opens new possibilities. When I'm not working, I could use the money to sit around and play one of them fancy subscription MMOs. An opportunity to play FFXI would be sweet. Or maybe Xbox Live (see the 'Ugly' section for more details.
The Bad: So I was kinda bored with the selection of DS games I currently own so I decided to go back a generation and start a new FFTA game. As I progressed I noticed that my DS's R button was responding less and less, and now it's completely done. Anyone who has played FFTA knows how crucial the R button is. I never thought this would happen, but my DS is broken.:cry: It'll take a few days to get it repaired. Poop.
The Ugly: Here it is. I'm not paying $600 just to play FFXIII. The 360 is the only way to go. When the PS3 lost Final Fantasy, they lost everything in my eyes. I have admitted defeat. I will buy an Xbox 360.