Raylen12 / Member

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Latest OXM Issue

The November issue of OXM is very convincing. With a look at the screenshots and others' opinions, Perfect Dark Zero didn't appear to live up to expectations a few months ago. Now, the game looks very, very good. My only misgiving is the "Jackal Sniper Rifle" weapon, which is what many people called the Beam Rifle in Halo 2. I'm surprised it wasn't mentioned in the magazine.

Also, the demo wasn't the best, but it was packed. The demo of Star Wars: Battlefront 2 was disappointing, especially after I played Battlefield 2. It's an exact third-person copy! Plus, playing a Jedi takes the charm out of it (Battlefront was all about fighting as one of the grunts, and now you're a hero yet again). The demo also had time limits, which sucked.

In other news: I bought Battlefield 2, an awesome game. What I didn't like was the lack of SP levels; there were only ten. I noticed a had the level "Maashtur City" or something like that in my files, but not actually in the game. Anybody know whats up with that?