Raylen12 / Member

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Need for Speed: Most Wanted

  • Reading: Ender's Game
  • Listening to: Demon Days (Gorillaz)
  • Playing: Need for Speed: Most Wanted

I traded CoD2 for Need for Speed: Most Wanted with my friend for the weekend. While he faces the masses of modding Germans on Veteran difficulty, I'm blowin' through NfS:MW. It's LOOONG, and it is getting pretty hard. But the cop chases or so fun.

I also changed my gamertag, as you can see, to NewCode12. People where callingĀ  Sake (SAYK) "SAHK-AY", like the Japanese or Chinese wine noodles. But I like NewCode.

Three days left! Too bad I have to visit the dentist's office before I head to EB to pick up my copy. I can't sleep for the dreams wracking my tortured mind . . . I can't last much longer . . .