Just as the topic states, I finally preordered Oblivion! Now I'm guaranteed one, come the day after launch date. According to EB employees, the game will definitely be in by March 21st, and that I should sleep by the phone, lest I miss the message. Of course, even if I missed their call, I'll still be there March 20 and 21.
In other news, I had my 200th post. How do people get past 1000?
I also logged onto Xbox Live today. Call of Duty 2 was fun, but there was serious lag, the worst I've ever had. I didn't try Perfect Dark Zero, because I dislike that type of lobby. Instead of randomly matching you up in the gametype of your choice, you must either choose randomly from Dark-Ops or Deathmatch, or butt in on someone else's created game, which always feels uncomfortable to me.
</begin rant> Freewriter's brother, timotisomethingorother, invited me to become a co-founder of "xbox gamer tag union". He had the brash stupidity to ask me to join a union WITHOUT PROPER CAPITILIZATION? (forgive the capitals)Plus, I hate him, and I am completely mystified at how he is already level 8, when I've never seen him before. </end rant>
Other than that, everything is going fine. Instead of downloading mods from my dial-up, I now takeĀ a CD to the DSL and download through there. Why didn't I think of this sooner? Still, there are errors, and a lot of times .exe extractors don't work.