Raylen12 / Member

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Problems with Oblivion

I managed to get the Xbox to Texas, but now that it's back, I'm having some problems with Oblivion. The other games work fine, so it's only Oblivion . . .

Anyway, the loading times have gotten slower, and when in exterior cells, it will now pause during "loading area", and trees and stones take longer to pop up and actually pop up instead of fading in. Sometimes there's a lot of lag in the menus. What's really annoying - and happens in all cells - is that the sound will skip. For a moment, there will be no sound, but it will come back in a flood a moment later - like there's nothing when I pull out my sword and slash an opponent, but a moment later I will hear "pull-sword-slash-aaargh!" at the same time.

I was thinking about either buying another copy or checking on the warranty, or maybe asking Bethesda technical support (if there is one). Does anyone have any ideas to help me fix the problem?