Woohoo! I've just spent the last 13 hours of my life in a Wal-Mart, sitting in a line and awaiting the release of the Xbox 360. I came at 9:00 AM, this one kid skipped me in line; by 10:00 PM, we have gottenĀ our tickets to get the 360 at 12:01 . . .
But it was obvious the Wal-Mart people did not know what they were talking about, and the future is still clouded. On Saturday, when we first inquired about the purchase, I called and they said you could reserve it. We headed to the store, where the manager said you can't, and that there will be 12 Core units and 2 Premium packages. When I arrived on Monday, today, they said by 1:00 PM that there will be 9 Core units. And that's it. That bummed us out pretty big, and a few left. I decided to stick around. So, the number of units and the packages bounced from 7 to 16 to 14 to 9 to 10 and so on. They finally told us that there were 10 and no Premium, but I decided to just buy the extra accessories the next day. At 10:00, I confronted the manager and he said there were 2 Premiums. I won't find out 'til we head back at 11:40 . . .