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A Day in the Life of a Psycho (Me)

I got a mid-term progress report at school today and I got straight A's. BOO-YAH!!! I think you should know what I had to go through to get to this point.

Writing I: Does the last name "Grund" mean anything to you. In case you don't, if you know about the whole Casey Anthony trial, my writing teacher's son was, before Caylee "disappeared",once engaged to that (alleged) child killing witch! Thank goodness he didn't go through with it before...yeah, you know. Otherwise, really fun class!

Geometry Honors: I suck at math, but in this class, it's OK. My teacher is obsessed with Disney characters! She has Mickey Mouse ears on her leg (she showed us!). She is an awesome person, but then she has to get all serious and ruin the spirit with...ugh...math.

Biology Honors: The first half of my day's kiss of death. The woman makes up dig through every scrap of paper to find the answer, not helping at all. The point of a teacher is to help LADY! And most everyone in the class are not brain surgeons, mostly the patients of those surgeries.

Beginning Tennis: The second half of the kiss of death. The coach of this class doesn't even know how to play tennis. I took the class because I thought it was going to be easy. There is also this homicidal guy in the class everyone calls "Frenchie". He alone has broken 6 tennis rackets. I am currently working out the assassination attempt.

English I Honors: This class is a good pick-me-up for me. I always enjoyed English class because I like to read. I just hate when they force us to read classical crap. I don't care that Odysseus made it back to Ithaca. The best part of the I am sad to say, the teacher is actually kinda hot. That almost makes me sick to say.

Latin 1: This class is a cinch! The teacher just keeps repeating the same few points over and over again and his tests are easy. The people I sit next to in the class are rather interesting. One stabs me in the back, one hits me whenever I do something stupid (she hits me often) and one keeps making dirty jokes about anything we say. Love it!

AP Human Geography: My hardest class and my favorite teacher! The guy has a great, dry sense of humor that fits me perfectly. But he spends every class just lecturing, but I need to see the notes to keep them down pat. And the textbook is like watching paint dry or a snail move. But some of the characters in the class are awesome! We got a human gerbil!!

So yeah, my high school is weird. I both love and hate it there.

Now, if you excuse me: I need to plan out a movie date with three girls and three guys. Know what I'm thinking? That's right...intramural basketball team!
