I love coming up for these new titles for my blogs. Always interesting!
Anyway, if you read my last blog, you know about the ants crawling under my skin. I talked to a dermatologist last week and she told me I was getting these hives that didn't raise up from my skin. She believes them to be caused by the meds in need to take to keep sane. Just for explanations sake, I got the meds around the time Fur got a Potato Cannon.
Wonder if those isolated incidents are related?
Anyway, she gave me some pills, called the doctor that originally gave me the meds (he is dodging the calls for some reason) and they plan to give me a shot on Monday that will relieve me off this unholy irritation.
The funny thing was, the doc that checked on me was pretty hot and told me to drop my...well, I really don't have to say it do I? :D
I downloaded the Heavy Rain demo today and I was blown away. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen and the gameplay never felt repetitive.I don't want to give anything away, so I suppose I should stop now. PS3 owners must at least try the demo before you can say anything about this game.
Final note, is anyone out there willing to help me make a Joker banner for my page. I like the pic I have, but I want something more personalized. Any help would be appreciated.
That's your Razer news of the day. Now back to your regularly scheduled lives!