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An Awkward Moment Deserves An Awkward Turtle

My awkward moment came at a friend's birthday party. I haven't seen her in about a year, but we text once and awhile. I get to her compact little apartment and immediatly feel out of place since she is the only one I know. Really, virtually no one knew each other. I saw two other people I knew and I spent most of the time with them since the birthday girl had to keep everyone happy. There was only one other guy there besides meand he barely did anything. Most of the time was spent in awkward silence. Thus, I give youthis picture:

Awkward Turtle

I saw the interview for the new Castlevania and really want to go to E3 to get my hands on it. I hope they got a Succubus in this game. Sometimes, I let her kissAlucard to death and laugh at him. Probablyone of the best ways to die, in my opinion. I wishI could go down like that!I want to go to E3 period. It ought to be sweet this year, since Sony has theMove, MS are Natal and Nintendo...well who knows what Nintendo's gonna do. Maybe a new Zelda? We'll see in a couple of months.

Finally, I hopeyou have noticed my new avatar. It says "I'm a really COOL dude!" Cheesy, I know, but funny to me.

Peace in our time, home skillets! (This one's for you Ammo!)
