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e3 09

I love watching E3 over the years and hate seeing so many games that I won't get until they are soldused for $20 and are crap!

My five favorite games (in no particular order) are as follows:

1. Brutal Legend - I love Jack Black

2. Final Fantasy XIII - It may actually come out next year

3. Uncharted 2 - This will probably become Sony's Halo

4. ModNation Racers - This is like Mario Kart and LittleBig Planet's love child

5. Batman: Arkham Asylum- I can only the pleasure of being the Joker. Myabe you can flirt with Harley???

My five things I was dissapointed in not seeing was:

1. Kingdom Hearts -All I got was that one trailer out of Nintendo. WHERE'S BIRTH BY SLEEP!?!

2. Sucker Punch - A teaser would be satisfactory!

3. Naughty Dog - Jak and Dax was really under appreciated. It looks great