Yes, my life is such a thrill ride. Bruce Willis should play me in the movie.
Almost all the stuff I record on my DVR is now useless. No Van Helsing, no Seinfeld, no Ghostbusters and no other stuff I record because I can. Which makes me think of all those shows I have started watching this new TV season. I've fallen in love with Trauma on NBC and White Collar on USA. I'm also starting to catch onto the bigHouse thing, even though it is probably virtually impossible to get caught up with what has happened. AND I missed out on most of Olivia Wilde.
My most depressing news is...NO NEW CHUCK till March!! :cry: I am left to watch reruns online. Another thing I want to say is that, why is Chevy Chase suddenly less funny in that new NBC comedy. Everyone else seems to be carrying his weight.
On the movie front, I just heard about 2012 and I so want to see it, On the off chance the Mayans were right and not just too lazy to keep going with the calendar, I wanna know what to expect when it happens. I also wanna see Pirate Radio. Outta be funny. I am trying to get past this dry spell with all these stupid alien movies coming out. Halloween's over guys! October clutters up theaters with horror movies (which I despise, the bad guy almost always wins).
I should probably say something game-related now... oh yeah, anyone seen the trailer for Prince of Persia. I have to say I am depressed. No sand demons, the Prince has a really dumb name (Dastan?!) and he doesn't even look Middle Eastern. This will be a tremendous fail for everyone.
Thanks for listening. I'm out. 8)