My first two tags within four days of each other. Thanks for this by the way, Fur! :PIt shows that you care!!!! Let's pretend I didn't say that, eh? Here are ten new facts.
1. My current favorite TV show is Chuck, TV's most epic nerd.
2. My best friend's name is Chyan.
3. I am a bookworm.
4. I despise anything Twilight-related even though I have never read any of the books.
5. The first video game I ever played was Pokemon Red/Blue. I don't remember which one.
6. I dream of becoming a video game designer.
7. I despise any sport that only gives you one point when you score.
8. Iwas born intoa strongRepublican family, but extremely liberal by nature.
9. My first girlfriend broke up with me over a lie spread by a deranged dwarf.
10. These facts are harder to think of than I thought.
Well, there you go. I'm currentlywatching the Pats/Jets game while I'm writing this and finding it hard to concentrate. My gut also aches from the the buffet I just came from. I regret that last chicken leg AND the chocolate sundae.I'll tag some people and go back to the Jets whooping. GO PATRIOTS!
I tag cronomagnus36 and LeviofDoom. Peace out.