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Game Girls!

We all have been fascinated by the gorgeous women that have either shot at bad guys for us or shot at us or something of that nature. I wanted to make an effrot to my top five game girls!

5. Samus Aran (Samus series): We played an entire game to watch her take off her helmet. I think that is saying something.

4. Gruntilda (Banjo Kazooie): Well, let's face it; old N64 players like myself quit the game time and again to watch this beautiful transformation from cute bear sister to sexy witch.

3. Kaileena (Prince of Persia): The Empress of Time has been found to be an evil temptress to a proud ally of the Prince. Either way, you want to make sure to stay a few steps back.

2. Yuna (Final Fantasy X & X-2): We have all watched her do her dance and sing those chords. But guys, remember the scene in FFX in Macalania Forest. Thank God that was CG!!!

1. Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII): She has haunted gamer's dreams for at least a decade. She has made several game appearance and they continue to improve her. Here's to another ten years.

Any others worth mentioning go right ahead!!