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Happy Fat Bird Day!!! (This Time I Got it Right!)

Well, I made one earlier,but this time, my Thanksgiving blog will actually involve things I am thankful for. I have just six I can think of right now, but I might add more later:

1. I am thankful FFXIII is actually coming out next year.

2. I am thankful Organization KH is still pretty active.

3. I am thankful that Chuck is coming back on TV in January.

4. I am thankful that my grandmother is doing okay in the hospital.

5. I am thankful I found new friends at my new school and for the friends I already have and still talk to.

6. I am thankful that America isn't run by McCain (even though the thought isn't as repulsive as before).

7. I am thankful for my OTHER grandmother's TERRIFIC home-made fried chicken (which I'll have instead of turkey today).

I'd also like to make note of some of the special friends I have made since last Thanksgiving here on GS:

1. the-silent-hero: One of the non-official kings here at GS and the genius behind Organization KH, Fountain of Youth and various other unions.

2. nintendo-naut: A great artist and good all-round person, even though he tagged me :twisted:. Also, his guy in the RP, Anthex, is freaking awesome. I wanna be like that guy.

3. thrubeingcool13: A simple, cool, calm, collected person (in my mind, I could be wrong and he's deranged, which is unlikely).

4. Slyfur: I know she'll hate me for saying this, but she is a good person and she knows it. She may be one of the toughest...that's a bad way to put it...independent people I know. Stand proud Fur!

And to everyone else I am too lazy to mention but appreciate equally, except LeviofDoom, who called me stupid. :P

Now everyone probably won't read this till late Friday night, after the food coma wears off and the Black Friday shopping ends, but I wanted to wish everyone here a Happy Thanksgiving a.k.a - Fat Bird Day. Enjoy your turkey and take solace that the holidays are almost here.