I have finally returned home to reliable internet and my comfy bed! Yeah! But I'm still bored outta my mind! And school starts in about 3 weeks! Why is this all happeningat once?! GAHHH!!! :x
Oh and since I'm not sure exactly when I started here on GS, I plan on doing an end-of-summer/one year anniversary blog soon. Although it says I was a member since May 6th in 2008, I didn't start using it since summer oflast year. I plan on putting pics from my vacation and... dum... dum... dum... my picture! *GASP*! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the face of Razer will be revealed. Maybe... :P I'm not sure if I want my picture on the internet yet.
I get my braces off on Thursday! Unless, of course,the doctor decides to ruin my life further. I did get the mold for my retainer done before I left, so most likely, I'll be free!Makes me wonder why orthodontists don't get crap for calling themselves doctors but chiropractors do. Chiropractors can help people walk and relieve pain. Orthodontists only cause pain. Some doctors! :x
Final note, I need help deciding whether or not I should replace my PSP while GameStop is selling it discounted. My folks insist I should think about it, which is very stupid of them to believe I might change my mind. But either you guys will reinforce me or make me change my mind. The main reason is because Birth By Sleep comes out next month and I NEED to play it. NEED TO! There's nothing on the DS I want to play anymore and it'll be outdated the minte the 3DS comes out. So I was gonna sell that to help fund the PSP. What do you think?
And now, a tributefor orthodontists everywhere!
I think you need a bag for your head, sir!
Twáme naw (Burmese for goodbye)