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I Have Beef. Let's Fight!

This is Razer, your new supreme master and I order you all... oh, hang on... I think I skipped a bit!

Hi there peoples! :D Seems my thoughts are being projected through my fingers again. I hate when that happens. But then I can be perfectly honest with all of you... oh wait... that's not good. Never mind! :P

Anyway, I have two interesting stories from the depths of the underworld. First, we go to the only good part of the hours of 7 am and 2 pm on weekdays, English. Our teacher is engaged and one of his future brother-in-laws dabbles in rapping. In a song the teach played for us, he had a part in it. He played a kidnapper of the rapper's family and managed to sound legitimately scary. :P And no, you can't download it.

The second story from the Black Lagoon comes from marketing. The class is filled with a bunch of lazy jocks who enjoy making fun of... well... anyone. Well, today, the teach just had it. See, one guy that nobody likes took a shot at me and then some guy said he would beat him up for $10. The teacher left the room for a moment and everyone assumed the guy who basically threatened him was gonna get written up. Then the teacher came back, walked over to the guy, slipped him something and said "Don't let it be connected to us." She had slipped him a $20 and the guy asked if he wanted to take a walk. Too bad nothing happened. :| No happy ending for me.

Now here's a salute to veterans everywhere!

Veterans Rule!

I try never to forget, no matter how much I despise my life sometimes, people died to allow things like public school and democracy to happen and I really shouldn't allow it to be wasted. Doing so would be spitting on every grave in Arlington Cemetery. Both my grandfathers served and I will never stop respecting them for it. God bless them!

Anyway, what else... oh yeah! I got Scott Pilgrim vs. The World on DVD. The blog title comes from there as well.This has got to be the GREATEST movie I've seen this year, if not in my life! It's hilarious. It's got great action. And I love the characters! Ramona is just freakin' awesome! No one should miss it!

Now for an announcement, I plan on posting a bit of a story I wrote a while back to get an opinion of my work. Jut to let you know, no one hereI portrayed in the story. Sorry! I would appreciate any critiques you all would supply.

Here's a funny pic about bullying!


Adios. And I decided to drop the bit about goodbye in foreign languages.
