It's bigger. It's badder. It's... oh crap, he's still ugly as heck. I HAVE RETURNED!!!
I bet the majority of you have barely noticed my absence (not that I blame you), but I am planning on bringing my activity up. Now, it may never be what it once was, but I plan on putting in more effort, which means I'll probably only focusing on two or three unions. To go into detail as to what has happened since my last blog... I odn't even remember, so it obviously ain't to important, so I'll give highlights:
1) NGP! NGP! Om my lord NGP! I had a man-gasm when I saw that. I definetly want it, but I hope they transfer old PSP games because I want BBS and I am not buying a PSP if they replace it in a year or two.
2) I started playing Assassin's Creed. I beat AC2 a few hours ago. It. Is. AMAZING! Can't wait to get my hands on Brotherhood and not only for the story. I will fight Slyfur and prove myself the alpha male!
3) I think I got a teeny bit crazier since I was here last. High school screws with you head more than drugs, I swear.
4) I'll be practicing Single's Awareness Day on Monday instead of Valentine's Day. Who wants to celebrate a holiday where a chubby infant come at lovesick people with weapons? Oh... wait a sec.... Single's Awareness Day spells... S... A... D... son of a...
5) Ummm... I still like chicken
Now, for a funny pic of my return:
I remember hearing about that on the news and cracking up. See you all soon.