Welcome to the very cheesy scary Razer blog! This blog title is brought to you by foreign exchange students FROM AUSTRIA (since someone will probably ask) and a friend of mine who finds European people cute... apparently :| Whatever!
First things first, a very happy birthday to RikusGirl6! I even got a cake!
Well... I Googled one and edited it on Picnik. Came out nice for about 20 minutes worth of work! Hope you like it, RG! And I had to stop myself to reach out and get some frosting! It looks delicious, no?
Anyway, on to the hand of this most horrid of holidays, Halloween. I hate it only for 3 reasons: 1) I was somewhat sheltered as a young child and now I'm scared of... well... a lot of things. Most recently added to that list being the speed knifers on MW2, jumping outta nowhere like bats outta hell! :? 2) I never eat all the candy. It's just a sad, sad truth. And 3) the movies are cluttered with the latest Saw movie and various other bad scary movies.
I don't plan on doing anything today other than homework (very scary in itself) and maybe a movie. What a life! Some girl in my neighborhood will probably try and drag me trick-or-treating even though we are in high school! I think by that point, it's a bit sad.
Speaking of movies, I've been watching a lot recently. I realized how many c-l-a-s-s-ics (darn you GlitchSpot!)I've never seen. Soon Friday, I watched Terminator and yesterday I saw Phenomenon, which was fantastic by the way. I'm recording Titanic to watch later. If anyone has any good movies I should see, go ahead and put them down.
I plan on purchasing the Sly Collection when it comes out next week. I loved those games and the fact I can get all three for $40 is the best bang for my buck right now.
I checked my grades before teachers downloaded them for report cards and I managed to pull out straight A's! Incredible! More incredible is that I didn't lose my freakin' mind this nine weeks! I only have to wait 3 weeks before we get Thanksgiving Break!
Wow, I thought I had more stuff to talk about, but apparently I don't. BUT...
I still havea funny Halloween picture,
Wow... just wow...
Kgiya hatromi! And happy hallow's eve!