In case you don't get the reference, I am talking about health-care.
Supposedly, the House of Reps is set to vote on this health-care Obama is pushing. My opinion on Obama-care...pack your bags, folks! America is officially ruined! Obama said that the health-care will be historic. Know what else was historic? The Holocaust! D-Day! The Hindenburg!
I won't go into specifics, I'm just saying I will laugh we Obama flys longer than his best filibustering! Now, back to reality.
I now have Final Fantasy 13!!! All the reviews do it no justice. I will agree it isn't the Final Fantasy we are used to, but who said that is bad? The combat is fluid, but I still can't help but button-mash when I don't need to. The story is well told and compelling, where am I am now and the cast work well together, even when they are arguing. The graphicsare so beautiful, they are better than real-life.
By the by, I love Vanille. She just so naive, it's a bit like comic relief, sorta like Sazh. I have only twelve hours in-game and I need to get away so I don't play the entire game uninterrupted in one night. I would if I could!
So that's all for today. Return to your lives.