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If Only We Had An Electric Beaver!

If you want to know the source of this blog title... look it up! :P

Now, in case you wondered where I've been this week, school started. :mad:High school really is evil. Especially since I live in the sauna state of Florida, the entire campus is basically outdoors and the AC is out in a few of the rooms! :cry:I feel like I need a shower every time I came home this week. NowI feel I need to repeat it, I hate school! Anyway, some of my teachers are cool, most are bland. Anyway, I'm SO glad I can sleep in tomorrow. I wouldn't even get up if I didn't have homework to do. Stupid AP! :evil:

Anything else worth mention...oh yeah, since my magnet program requires I need to either travel internationally or host a foreign exchange student before the end of junior year, I may be going overseas later this year. They are going to Japan over the Thanksgiving break and I would LOVE to go to Japan! Experience the culture, the food and the girls! Wait... maybe not the girls. If I don't go there, they are going to Italy and Austria during Spring Break, which is just as cool just not as much as Japan.

I hate high school! :evil:

Ok, now for some random stuff. I have recently become addicted to Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution,a very cool strategy game. I get a nuclear bomb! But only one and I basically wasted it in my last game... :cry:. Also,I am starting to get in a real... what should I call it... happiness slump? I just seem more bummed than usual. I don't know why. Last up, vote Sephioth for the Greatest Villain Contest! I want that coolset-up they are offering the winner!

Time for a funny picture, in order to get out of the heat:


This is where I'd like to live for the next few months. :DJust saying.

I hate high school! :evil:
