This is Razer, coming to you live from the petting zoo just a few miles away from... oh wait, why is that monkey wearing a dress? That's right, I'm at my high school! Scratch that except the monkey in the dress part, which I will explain.
Today had to be the scariest day of high school so far. It was the unofficial Senior Switch Day, which basically means all seniors change genders for the day, not with the school's permission, of course. All the girls looked like gangstas from the hood and all the guys were either Martha Stewart wannabes or working their furry legs in a dress. One teacher locked her door to avoid seeing it. I would have to. Those dudes were scary looking, but hilarious! :lol: I knew one pretty dude pretty well and he even acted like one. I really want to tell his girlfriend about that! :P
Also, yesterday was Celebrity Day, which I originally had no plan in participating in, but then I got out of bed and saw the cane in my closet (it was hand-me-down and made me feel pimpin'! :P ) and decided I would go as good ole' Doc House. :DI walked into with a cane and wore some old blazer on top of a t-shirt. I planned on bringing in a empty pill bottle that said 'Vicodin' on it, but I probably would have been arrested for possession. :|Half the people loved me, the other half had no idea who I was. One girl asked for an autograph. Sadly, people told me of a 2nd House out there, but I never met him. But still, it was pretty cool, since we had a Freddy Kruger, some Lady Gagas, Jersey Shore characters (at least that's what I was told), a Hulk, a Freddy and Shaggy from Scooby Doo, a Tiger Woods and more I can't remember anymore, but it was pretty cool, though I was melting by the end of the day.My arm still hurts from leaning on the cane so much.
Other news... I got through Modern Warfare 2 on veteran, which wasn't as hard as I thought it would be and I believe I am around level 36 or so. I also downloaded the Costume Quest demo, where my blog title comes from. I'm not as excited as I was before though, since the battle system feels kinda, I dunno, awkward?
Who here remembers my failed attempt at a union? Well, I want to try and take another crack at it. I plan on making it an OT union with a twist, we post random funny pics and videos. I just want a place with all my GS buds together, not worrying about a thing and just laughing. God knows I wish I could laugh more in real life. Sadly, this isn't the case? :cry:
Last but not even close to last, I went to Animal Kingdom on Sunday with one of my best friends EVER, who is a girl. You'll see why that is important in a sec. We had a great time, saw the AWESOME Lion King show, rode Everest and caught the Safari right before closing. Overall great day!:D Now the problem is, I am beginning to pick up "signals" from her, signals that say she may want to be more than friends. I've always had a little thing for her too.There are three issues there:
1) She once set me up with one of her friends awhile back. We dated for a monthand thenit ended... badly. REALLY BAD! All over a stupid rumor spread my a very vindictive midget. She (my best friend)believed it too, until I set it straight.
2) I have no idea if I am just over-analyzing this since when I first got these "signals" we hadn't seen each other in about a year, so maybe it was just the very strong feelings of a great friend.
3) She has a figurative chastity belt. She made a pact with a friend saying she woun't even consider dating till she is 16, which doesn't occur until this coming February! I'm pretty sure she'll hold onto that for now.
So, in summary, girls are weird! I hate being a sixteen year old boy! Girls are beyond comprehension at this point at my life! :evil: And I'm not sure which scares me worse, missing the opportunity or being "friend zoned". If you don't know what being "friend zoned" means, look it up here!
Here's a funny pic, regarding my misery. Please enjoy! :cry:
Wow, this blog was much longer than I thought it would be. Thanks for reading all.