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Is That Blood or Barbeque Sauce?

First off, what a dumb name for a rank. I Feel Asleep? It makes no sense. Did they misspell "I Fell Asleep" or is it supposed to be weird.The next rank name is cool: Defias Brotherhood. Intimidating and mysterious, something I wish I could be.

Anyway, in case you don't know, I'm in North Carolina. The cabin we rented is nice and we found a nice little spot where we can swim. Water was freezing cold, but once I got used to it, it was a blast. Luckily, since my parents will still be working, they had the owner set up wireless internet so they can work and I brought my laptop. Rock on! I'm still stuck in nature. One of the best parts is that my mom, in her infinite wisdom, bought an airsoft rifle for us to play with while we were here. I am a terrible shot by the way. I only hit the target once on my first shot. FTW beginner's luck!

I haven't practiced driving yet because the hill leading up to our house would turn me into more of a kamikaze bomber. I'm not sure if I'll survive the entire month. At least I have GS to keep me same... I plan on posting some pics of the place and my adventures later. You will finally see the face behind the screen. Be afraid... very afraid. I'm not sure if I have to post the pics on Photobucket or something beforehand or what.

The blog title came from me by the way. My dad made ribs for Fourth of July and some of the sauce must have gotten in between my nails because when I woke up this morning I thought I was bleeding. I kinda freaked out. It was probably entertaining from the outside but...yeah. So...

Time for the funnies...

Firework Safety

This is me if I'd been allowed to set off any fireworks yesterday. Absolutely no fun whatsoever!

Well, this blog is over.Fare thee well, fellow gamers!
