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Light in the Middle of the Tunnel

I can breathe again! Exams are over and I am free for four days. Well, technically I am skipping one of those days, but so is the rest of the school. My grades have been posted (all of them A's!!!)for all but two classes, which ironically are my hardest. The tension is mounting and I just have the sinking feeling of a poor grade. But I consider a B to be a bad grade, so what do I know. Then I remembered this is only the halfway point. It's a frickin' rest stop! What a drag!

Another note I would like to note, I may have mentioned once before my one and only girlfriend that I had been set up with and then broken up with over a lie spread by a demented dwarf (no offense to anyone here). I would rather skip the specifics. But now I think I actually want to get out there and get a girlfriend that I actually want to have. Only problem is, she upperclassman and I always feel very...dumb around her. Usually I am a smart guy, but I feel like an idiot whenever she discusses things way beyond my comprehension and the comprehension of most people her age. She's funny, smart, attractive and most importantly, she actually seems to get the boiling hot pot of crazy that I am. I know this is ranting and I sound insecure and other things, but I feel I should tell you guys. This is almost like a support group (I don't wanna here any jokes about this last comment).

Does anyone feel I ask way too many deep and almost meaningful questions on this blog? It sounds like I am really needy.

Before I depart, I would like to make a special condolence to the loss of Firestar, the beloved companion of my friend Slyfur. Anyone who knows Fur knows she loves her cats and I, for one, am extremely saddened by her loss. Makes me think of what would happen if I lost my favorite pet, my little Hattie. Makes you appreciate the things you have. Anyway, may Firestar rest in peace and please take care, Slyfur.
