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Little Umbrella Drink Time!

I'll be going on vacation tomorrow and my activity will either be severely diminished or non-existent until next Saturday. I'll be at the beach for a week. I'll be back with a sunburn and a renewed hatred of sand in EVERY crevice. I don't know how it happens. Now, on to business.

I had an incident Thursday where we were playing touch football at school. I was playing defense (and in case you were wondering, I suck. I did catch it once though. FTW!) and while chasing the guy with the ball, some guy come guys and shoves me to the ground! I fell on my knees and theywere all scratched up, a little bloodyand hurt all day. I stood up and walked it off.

Call me a wuss if you want, but the coach cracked down on one guy that tackled a guy and yet did nothing when I went down. I wasn't even close to the ball carrier and I was on DEFENSE when he shoved me, not touched, SHOVED! Why even bother touching me?! The guy who did it and I have a history. He has a habit of stealing crap out fo my locker when I'm not looking. I really wanted to slug him, but Ididn't. I still got some pretty bad bruises, but I am OK. It's a little late to go to the coach to say anything and my nature (which is gnawing at me for not doing it) refuses me to confront him. Any suggestions?

Also, I am still worried for my PS3 and Final Fantasy 13. The fact that so many people claim PS3s are breaking and virtually no reporting from ANYONE is both upsetting and a bit odd. I am sure the threat is legitimate. A cousin of mine lost his PS3 to the game and I refuse to say this is unfounded. If I don't hear anything for a week, I'm going to start calling Square and see what they say. I can't return the game because it was a gift and the people didn't leave a receipt. So I am stuck with the game sitting there, taunting me with it's beautiful graphics and enthralling story.It just ain't right!

Anyway, I plan on starting a new thing for my blogs. I will end my blogs with a funny pic. Here is one I got from a friend.

Cat Norris

Beware Cat Norris. Later!
