Oh sweet Jesus it's over! School is over for me kiddies! I'm free! I'm FRRREEEEEEE!!! And to commemorate the moment...enjoy this song. Fits the moment perfectly! My activity will be much better over the next few months thanks to my liberation. I plan on spening some of my birthday money now to buy some games. FTW!
But, then I had a epiphany. I would spend all of summer...with my family. My family is out to get me! Mentally, I mean. Anyway, I will be gone the entire month of July so that might slow me down. Otherwise, I promise to smother you all with my presence while I can. Muwhahaha!!! :twisted:
I read a new portable Kindgom Hearts will be shown off next week. To that I say... *bleep* *bleep* *bleep*!!! Stop toying with my emotions Square and give us something on KH3. ANYTHING! Stupid tease!!!
Alright, funny pic time. In honor of summer.
This kid needs to lay off the potato chips.
Happy E3 week everyone!