Tonight in the Octagon, weighting in at 140 pounds... it's Razer! Up against former heavyweight champion of the world Randy Couture... wait a second... *runs away like a maniac*
Ok... ok ... gimme a minute to breathe. Ok, I'm good!
Now, the fun story behind the blog title. I played paintball for the first time yesterday. It would have been way more fun if I hadn't been stuck with my father's two year old gun and mask. The mask wouldn't stay and fogged up within minute of every game. As for the gun, I couldn't aim because it had no sight and it wouldn't have worked anyway. I got hit in almost every game and hit no one. I got hit twice in the head in the same area. I got the bump to prove it!
The only game Iwon was this one where one team had to guide an unarmed player called the VIP(a.k.a. me) from point A to point B without the VIP getting shot by the other team. The field we were in was a make-shift city of plywood and sheet metal with a huge forest to the far left. Before the game started, we saw the entire enemy team hide out near the city and the castle I had to reach to win the game.My team divided into two groups, one group to fire at the people in the city and pin them down and the other group through the forest leading me to the end of the field. I spent most of the time crouching and getting pulled around like a mule from cover to cover. Amazingly, no one from the attacking team was in the forest and we circled around to the back of the castle. Everyone guarding the castle had already ran up to take on the other group so I just made a quick run to the castle and won the game with 2 minutes left. Never would have made it if it weren't for my Secret Service, since they kept calling me Mr. President! :) It went to my head a little!
No, seriously, it went to my head. As I was lying in bed last night, I kept hearing the sound of a paintball gun going off and I instinctively tried to duck as I was flat on my back. It wa a bit weird. And today, My legs ache whenever I sit down and tand up from all the crouching I did. I got welts too.
Oh yeah... the blog title comes from all the dung piles that were in the field we played at. I saw one with red pieces of stuff in it and had no idea what it was. My friend told me some people shot paintballs at the poo, which explained the strange shape of the feces. OK, no more poop talk!
Now what else, I got Platinum on Sly 3. The funny part was I finishedall the challenge misions in about half an hour after I wrote the blog saying this...
...might take me a little while to complete all the challenge missions. RazerBlade24
I love irony! :lol:
Now for my next blog, I plan on putting up that bit of story I told you guys about a while ago. I just want to edit it a little bit before I show it to you. I would like you all to read it and give me your honest opinion! And there is no representation of anyone here from GS in the story... yet! I might do it if you all enjoy it, so stay tuned for that! ;) I would go and read some other people's stories, but I am so far behind in most of them.
Finally, this is my last night before I head back into the bear cave wearing a suit made of raw meat. Oh wait, you can stop a bear, you can't stop a rambling teacher! My bad. I just have 3 weeks to get through and then I'll have a winter break filled with prep for mid-terms. I might just cry myself to sleep tonight! :cry:
Here's a funny pic that I think perfectly depicts my first paintballing experience!
And yes, the guy about to get his number called is me!