There isn't going to be any funny stuff in this blog, so if that's not your cup of tea, I'd just stop reading.
Nine years ago today I was sitting in my classroom in 1st grade. It was a strange day because everybody seemed to have to leave school early for some reason. One of those times, me and an acquaintance were called together out of class. We walked in silence, neither knowing what was going on. When I got to the office, my mother and sister were already waiting and we drove home. I saw what took me out of class and, at the time, had no idea wht it really meant. Now, 9 years later, I do.
This isaday that should bereverance to all the men in women who needlesslydied that day. All of them had been drawn into a war they had nothing to do with. Anyone that says otherwise, in my opinion, is as bad as those who took over the planes and drove them into the Towers and the Pentagon.
Thank you all for reading.