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Report if you see a crazy skinny guy with an eggbeater!

OK, I don't know where the eggbeater came from, but so what.

In case you were wondering, my computer crashed about a week ago and this is the first time I've had Internet access since then. Sorry to ruin the parade Fur. :P

I know I've been tagged and I know that I have neglected my favorite Christmas songs, so I'll do both.

1) I am currently sitting in my hotel room near the beach. I believe it's around 50-60 degrees. Great fun.

2) I know I am getting a new Tom Brady jersey for Christmas.

3) I wrote a new poem today! Woot!

4) I started watching Inglorious Bastards last night but was interrupted so many times, I stopped.

5) I have low tolerance for loquacious people.

6) I know what loquacious means.

7) I know RikusGirl6 does not know what loquacious means without looking it up.

8 ) My number 4 Christmas song is "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer"

9) My number 3 song is the Chipmunk's Christmas song sung by...I'll let you figure it out.

10) My number 2 song is "Zat you Santa Claus?"by Louis Armstrong

I'll save number 1 song for later. So tell me everyone, what has happened in my absence.

But before I forget: RikusGirl6, nintendo-naut and Juniorpower owe me some blogs. So got tagged suckas!
