Today is one of those days that makes me feel like crawling under a rock and hoping that the Mayans are right for 2012.
I spent the weekend either: a) helped to put in new flooring in my grandparents bedroom, b) watching the Super Bowl, c) playing the PS3 or d) sleeping. Two of those things I couldn't help and now I feel like a complete moron. I took two tests today that, had it been any other day, I would've been fine with. One late night and minimal studying and I keep thinking "Open mouth, insert foot here."
To top the day off, I have the feeling that ants are crawling under my skin and if I don't scratch, they will tear right through my skin. I've tried cream, allergy meds and some natural bath treatment and I still feel the ants.
Only two highlights of the weekend. First, I have finallyplayed Uncharted 2. I only got to Chapter 17but it was incredible. I must finish it soon.
Second...drum roll please..."Oh when the Saints, oh when the Saints,come marching in, come marching in, oh when the...Saints come marching in!!!"
The beauty of their victory was my sole purpose of living through this day. The minute I saw that onside kick and the ref said it was the Saints ball, I really believed we had a chance. Brees made Peyton look like a chump throughout the entire game. I was on my feet screaming when Porter picked off that pass and ran it all the way home. Fantastic game!
Final thought - GameInformer, the Gamestop magazine, wrote a review of Final Fantasy XIII this month. It was ranked below Heavy Rain, Bad Company 2 and Mass Effect 2. The biggest problem...the story? Oh the horror! I cannot believe it! If they turn out to be wrong, I'll never read the magazine ever again!
Anyway, that is about my weekend story.