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Smell Like A Man.... MAN!

I love that commercial. And in case you don't know what I'm talking about, hereit is! Oh... sorry, that's my bad! Ahh... HEREit is! And ladies, especially you Courtney, remember he is just an actor and probably married. Probably :P

Anyways, hope you all like the new avi. Thank to Aidan for fixing it up. And I feel I need to say it again. Anyone who has the idea to join this site will LOVE the movie Scott Pilgrim.

OK, what else... oh yeah, school starts on Monday for me. I got my schedule and I am OK with most of it. The problem?My last period is some don't-do-drugs/phys ed.thing (Why does this site have a problem with the word that I want to use?)AND on the far side of campus. So I'll have to rush to get my clothes back on (Fur, not one word! :x )and run to catch the bus every day. The problem is I have to take this to graduate. Thanks Orange County Public School System! Imagine which finger I used to type that.

Expect my activity to go down the pooper when school starts. But if I'm gone for more than two weeks, this becomes my will and then Slyfur can throw that party she always wanted. I give everything I own to charity. None of you get a thing!:lol: Strike that! RG can have my PS3. Just don't ask about any suspicious looking photos you find. And, in case you find a certain one, it was meant to be a joke and I spilled BBQ sauce on my pants, so it isn't what it looks like!

This funny pic is brought to you by the fact I'll be getting up at 5:30 in the morning from now on:


Ain't that right?

Hope you enjoyed this short and seemingly pointless blog. Eventually it might save your life. I'm serious. Try jumping off a bridge and thinking real hard about what I said here. You'll know what I mean,
