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Something Involving my Future and Pancakes...

I have returned from my trip to Alabama with my grandparents, whom I love dearly and wish I could see more often. During the long car ride home, I started to think about the future, mine in particular.

I'm starting to realize that I need to start taking accountability for my actions and I need to learn to stand on my own two feet. I've really been coasting through life the past fifteen years, careless of the future and what it holds. Something horrific might happen or I may get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Is this too deep for a gaming site? Ahh...screw it, someone is bound to read this. I may just be a freshman in high school, but I have no idea where I want to go to college, I still have procrastination problems and have a very pessimistic view of the world (but I think I have good reason to).

I started thinking about what I wanted to do for a job in the future and what I need to do to prepare for it. Then I got hungry and started craving pancakes, but then I got back onto the problem at hand. I always have these two little voices in my head arguing about what I should do with my life. One voice says do what you want to do, which would be joining the gaming industry as a designer or a writer because I love crafting out stories. But the other voice tells me I am being selfish and should actually do something worthwhile with my life, something that could really make a difference in someone's life.

This is something I have always talked about, but never seriously. If anyone has any words of advice, it would be much appreciated. :D Thanks in advance.

Now on a lighter note, I was thinking of starting some blogs on something like, my top 10 favorite game characters or something of that nature. Maybe a list of hottest video game girls, which I had done once before, but not in-depth. :roll:

Anyway, I think that's enough for one night. Oh, one more thing...PATS ARE GONNA KICK THE SAINTS BUTTS ON MONDAY NIGHT! Just thought everyone should know where I stand. :P
