I can't seem to sleep and I need some sage wisdom.
My bestfriend has been auditioning for just about any acting job and is now being considered for a role on some new tv show. She'll be moving away to California and leaving me behind.
We've known each other for over three years. We have both said we were attracted to each other when we first met but things went the other way. Now I get a little defensive when she talks about other guys. She says she got over it, but Ihaven't completely abandoned the thought of us as more than friends. We barely get tosee each other because of our schedulesand can only maintain the friendship over the phone and the three or four times we see each other a year. And her moving away may destroy everything! She was a lifeline for me during a rough patch of my life and continues to be now. I wonder if things really have changed or this is just a bad reaction to losing my best friend towashed-out movie stars and bushes with cameras.
She promised to keep in touch and would not let things change if she does get the job. What do you allthink? Should I explore this before I lose the chance?