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Thanks Fat-Man!

My computer is alive! Thanks to a friend of mine who has so real computer know-how for saving my computer from oblivion. There were so many dangerous viruses on here that he actually cringed. Hopefully I won't get as many viruses as last time.

Anyway since I am a few days late for the Christmas thing, I'll put up my haul:

1. PS3 Slim and accessories

2. inFamous

3. Batman: Arkham Asylum

4. The Dark Knight on Blu-Ray

5. Tom Brady Jersey

6. $40 BUCKS!!!

7. A Celtic Cross Necklace

8. An Ant Farm? (Don't ask because I don't know)

9. School of Rock

10. Big Bang Theory: Season 1

I can admit my satisfaction with my Christmas score. Unfortunately, the PS3 has kept me up the past 2 nights and I have already beaten Arkham Asylum once and almost at 80% completion. I plan on getting LittleBigPlanet in the near future as well.

And since my unfortunate computer crash, here's my number one Christmas song: Feliz Navidad! Honorable mentions include Jingle Bell Rock, The Grinch Song and Frosty the Snowman.

That's all I got all. See ya!
