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The Activison Crisis

I read about the threat out of Activision yesterday. My first thought is "Well...this SUCKS!" and I flipped off my computer.

But then I realized, Activision is losing out. We started out slow for one reason and one reason only. Halo 3.


If it hadn't been for that exclusive on the 360 and the year head start, I believe that Sony would be so far behind. They had so many exclusives that everyone wanted like Mass Effect andGears of War and Live had already established itself as a online juggernaut. Sony seemed to have a lot of ground to make up. People seemed to overlook the potential the PS3 had.

Now, that doesn't mean that Sony hasn't made some problems of their own. The basic PS3, at launch cost $500; while the PS2 sold for $300. And the console has made some progress in the price, but not enough to cover the gap. Activision may be over-reacting, but they bring up a legitamate concern. Sonymust not ignore this. Listen to the consumer.